Your next Fractional CTO.

An approachable seasoned strategist, visionary, and hands-on expert who's spent 14+ years building teams and products that scale.

Why work with me?

Specialising in start-ups and scale-ups, I can help build and refine your engineering organisation.

How can I help?

You are likely looking for a fractional CTO or CPTO because you need 100% of the expertise and experience of a CTO, but at a fraction of the time and cost. With my CTO as a service, here is how I can help.

What is a Fractional CTO?

  • A fractional CTO is a part-time or temporary CTO who works with multiple clients simultaneously on a contractual basis.

  • They offer high-level technology leadership, strategy, and decision-making without the commitment and cost of a full-time, permanent CTO.

  • Fractional CTOs bring specialised expertise and an outside perspective to help organisations navigate complex technological landscapes.

Fractional CTOs offer solutions for organisations seeking strategic technology leadership and guidance without the commitment of a full-time executive, particularly for startups, small businesses, or companies undergoing digital transformation


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